Farm News – Bitterroot Valley Montana Farm Stay2019-05-06T06:49:16-06:00

The ebb and flow of the seasons on the farm command a variety of chores and activities.

In addition to the weekly demands of livestock, edibles and creative earthwork projects, there are surprises from week to week that keep everyone on their toes.  The farm life is exciting, demanding and unpredictable, full of lessons to be learned and life to be lived.  We would’t have it any other way.

Short but sweet

I'll try to keep today's weekly update in line with the title, but no guarantees.  It's been another stellar week here at ABC Acres, with as always a lot of things in motion.  We weaned [...]

Sunshine and Rainbows

Disclaimer this isn't about sunshine or rainbows, although we've enjoyed both this week at the farm, as well as snow and rain.  Today I'll be talking about how farming isn't always sunshine and rainbows.  One [...]


It's been an interesting week on the farm, full of energy and emotions.  One of our interns started this week and it's great to have another set of hands on the property.  Training a new [...]

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