ABC acres understands the critical role that pollinators play in our local ecosystems… without them, we would not be able to feed ourselves.  As a result, we have gone to great strides to incorporate Permaculture Design Principles in developing habitat-friendly landscapes.  Landscapes planted with plants / trees for abundant pollen availability throughout the seasons, as well as earthworks and specific locations to site our numerous beehives for optimal health and vitality.


Asters, Sages, Lindens, Lilacs, Sainfoin, Fruit trees & shrubs, etc. are just a few species planted throughout the farm to offer the resident Honey Bee year-round forage to build healthy hives.


Taking into account both orientation, prevailing winds, and winter storm surges, we utilized Permaculture design principles to locate the optimal area on the farm to develop our Bee Haven.  Presently housing five plus hives of varying design, we implemented earthworks highlighting both Swales and Hugelkultur concepts to create shelters for the hives.  Whether the temperature is -5 with gale force winds out the north, or 95 with little to no breeze, the Bees are given every design consideration to afford a level of comfort year-round.


Our first intention with offering housing for the local bee population is to promote healthy honey bee populations, bolster overall farm pollination of edible plants, and create an educational foundation for all that visit the farm.  We currently have both Langstroth and Warre hives at the farm.  Each offer a slightly different management style, though we find a hands-off approach more appealing to both Honey Bee and farmer alike.