Our Fedge (aka Food Hedge) is a living hedge that offers edible fruits, privacy, security and wildlife fodder throughout the year.  Extending just over 750’, the hedge is designed with two rows of plantings running the inner and outer side.  Prior to planting the hedge, we set about trenching the entire two runs and placing woody material within to promote soil development conducive to moisture retention and soil fertility.  The trenches were then closed up and topped with wood chips to hold moisture and prevent heavy weed competition.  On the outside of the hedge, we have chosen thorny plant species with dense spacing to create an impenetrable hedge to thwart elk and deer from trying to move through.  At the same time, these thorny plants offer grazing fodder to the wildlife in the form of rose, autumn olive, service berry, sea buckthorn, hawthorne and others, in an effort to satisfy their hunger and not challenge the hedge.  On the inner run, we have stacked both pollinator and vagrant species for a pleasant experience for both Honey bee and human while grazing the numerous blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, aronia berries, elderberries, service berries, currants, sand cherries, goji berries, and more!