I’m convinced the very act of farming, implies optimism.  Whether it’s planting a seed in the ground, or raising livestock, it’s simply not worth the effort without hope.  The mere act of putting a seed in soil means you hope the weather will cooperate, the bugs and the deer and everything else that wants a meat will at least leave you a bite.  If you farm, or know any farmers we have a reputation of always being negative; “it’s too hot, it’s too wet, it hasn’t rained…” well it makes us sound pessimistic. When you’re livelihood is guided by the weather it’s what you talk about, and unfortunately it’s rarely perfect.  However, I insist the mere fact of cultivating a crop even if it’s destroyed by hail, plague, or locusts, is optimistic, because a true farmer will be checking their seed stock and planning next years crop and that’s optimism.